On this page, you will find all the dependencies needed and the installation steps for this config.
๐ Dependencies
AnimatedScoreboard Plugin - Free
EssentialsX Plugin - Free
Vault Plugin - Free
PlaceholderAPI Plugin - Free
(Expansions: CustomFont, Gradient2, ChangeOutput, Utils, Player, Essentials, Math, Vault, Statistic, Server and LocalTime)
Open the .zip file that you just downloaded and select a version for a plugin mentioned on the dependencies page, it can be AnimatedScoreboard, SimpleScore, or TAB.
After you choose the correct version, upload the contents of the folder to the scoreboard plugin that you choosed.
After you uploaded the wanted config version, navigate to the PlaceholderAPI expansions folder and upload the "Gradient2-Expansion-1.1.jar" and "CustomFont-Expansion-1.0.1.jar" provided. (/plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansion)
After you upload the contents please restart the server.
Join the server and run the following commands:
/papi ecloud download Utils
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download Essentials
/papi ecloud download Math
/papi ecloud download Vault
/papi ecloud download Statistic
/papi ecloud download Server
/papi ecloud download LocalTime
After you run each of those commands reload the PlaceholderAPI plugin -> /papi reload
After you have done all of this you can enjoy the config!
You can download PlaceholderAPI expansion packs using this command -> /papi ecloud download <expansion pack>