Terms of Service
By buying our products, you automatically AGREE to the terms and conditions listed here. If you violate, we'll have the full right to revoke your access to our products at any time without notice.
Redistribution of a resource as your own is strictly prohibited.
All payments are final. Disputes/chargebacks are strictly prohibited.
You cannot share or resell our products under any circumstances.
The product cannot be resold privately or used on servers/accounts not owned or administrated by you and/or your manage team.
By purchasing a resource, you are acquiring a copy of the resource, and modifying or adding additional content does not make you the author of this.
You may not claim any purchased resources as made by you in any way.
Any negative review made to any of our resources will be reported and removed if support from our team has not been previously requested.
We reserve the right to deny our services to anyone without additional information.
You may not share any file from any resource to a third party without prior consent.
Any breach of these Terms of Service results in a full revocation of your license and a blacklist on all our platforms.
Terms of Service - Last update: 28th Aug 2023.